Compared To Others, You’re Extraordinary

Dr. Judy Osmond

Have you ever noticed that, in your own mind, you tend to think everyone else is more intelligent, better looking, wealthier, or happier than you are?  Why is that?   Is that not the saddest thing?  Here you are, living in the western world, with great education and health care, surrounded by people who adore you, and striving to become independently wealthy. Yet, we constantly compare ourselves to other people, thinking that “they” have it much better than you. This is an illusion that we must fight against with all our strength and fortitude.

The media has us believing that the world is a scary place, that everyone is out to get us and that we are low people because we don’t own a big business or aren’t making millions (or billions) of dollars.  We are surrounded by people who take prescription drugs just because they feel insecure and bad about their lot in life. Some of the most educated and beautiful people I know need medication just to go to work everyday. Is that not the craziest thing?

You are wealthier and more beautiful than you’ll ever know.  Practice the following.

(i) Begin each day in gratitude for our health, support system and love.

(ii) Look in the mirror and speak beautiful language to yourself.  Be kind, generous and your best friend.

(iii) Talk to someone today and help them solve a problem.  They’ll reciprocate and will help you one day.

(iv) Say a kind word to someone you meet today who looks a little sad.

(v) Keep the focus off your personal pity party and help someone else .

(vi) Spend your free time today looking at Youtube videos on how to reach your higher self.

(vii) Be proud of other people’s accomplishments.  They are no better, or worse, than you.  They have the same insecurities and issues you have.

Know that you are already terrific and have everything you need to do anything you want to do today.  You’re special.  Be your best self.  The world needs YOU just the way you are.






Hope Awaits Syrians

Dr. Judy Osmond

Last night I attended a session at our community’s Multicultural Center to learn about the Syrian culture.  I am getting more and more excited and hopeful to meet these well educated and family oriented people. The more I hear about them, the more I realize that we can all benefit from knowing them – the rich trades and talents they have, the closeness of their families, the structure of families ( the high expectations of them to be productive members of society and expectations of them to marry and bring honor to their families).

It will be the resilience in human kindness and compassion that will ultimately heal their lives and families.  I am full of hope that we will be able to inspire them to gain personal greatness, live the Canadian dream, look forward to their future with hope of building a greater Canada, and not only cope with their lives in the day to day life and times but thrive spherically in several directions.

Providing them opportunities to connect with their community and the Canadian community, to play and find ways to celebrate the traditions of their lives, and to bring situations that are respectful to their culture can only benefit them.  If we can, even for one day, one glorious day, provide them with a remarkable experience, they will begin to create a great future.  One step at a time.