Habits of a Millionaire Student

Most of us dream of reaching millionaire status sometime in our lives.  However, most of us do not realize that our habits and discipline as a student will serve us well as we climb to heights of financial freedom.

Whether you are an eighth grader, high schooler, university or college student, you can begin to develop habits that will cultivate optimal success so that when you begin your career, you will have primed your mindset for optimal wealth building as well.


(i) Develop a FOUR YEAR PLAN for high school or university, noting the prerequisites and grades you need to pursue future courses. This habit will keep you on track and incentivize you to do well.

(ii) Adhere to DEADLINES for drop and add processes at your school. Students who do not discipline themselves in this area will find it difficult to follow deadlines in universities and in business which can potentially cost them tens of thousands of dollars in the end.

(iii) DECIDE that you will get A’s and B+’s this year.  Study, study, study, do repetitive problems in math, and learn to write.  Think about how you will navigate your studies so that you build your transcript.  Your grades will enable you to have options for your choice of post-secondary schools.

(iv) READ, READ, READ.  It doesn’t matter the level of reading you do.  If you don’t like reading, begin to get into the habit of reading books with large print, beautiful pictures, your favorite hobby or pastime.  It doesn’t matter what you read.  Just do it. Get into the practice of reading fifteen minutes per day .  This will increase your vocabulary and writing ability – a skill that will get you to future leadership positions and, ultimately, higher earning  power.

(v) Think of grades as money.  Every time  you earn an “A”, think of it as putting $1000.00 in your pocket – which will be the case if you earn scholarships and/or co-op internships from your high grades.

This year, as you prepare for another school year, make it a point to become an amazing student.   Make this year the most extraordinary yet!  Enjoy the ride and mostly, enjoy building a road to wealth. I can help you become the successful student you’ve always dreamed of being. Let me help you take the next step to your personal wealth. . .

The Young Millionaire

Do you want to be a millionaire in your lifetime?  Just think how great it would be to begin developing a mindset, as young as you are, that will enable you to have an incredible high school and university/college experience, minimize your student debt, and begin a career that builds a lifetime of assets.

It doesn’t matter your background!  All that matters is that you are wanting to make your life so incredible that you are wanting to learn how to make your life happen, and are willing to follow some simple tips and strategies that will help you feel progress.

You already have great assets:  you’re young, energetic, intelligent, and curious.  And you have many dreams that don’t even exist yet! All these things are within you already.  Now, all you have to do is think about possibilities, learn from blogs such as mine, and allow your mind and actions to take you to great places.

Ready?  Then let’s do this together!


The Secrets to Saving $$$ Earning a Doctorate Degree

Dr. Judy Osmond

Earning a doctorate degree is an incredible achievement.  You will feel accomplished, proud, and bring honor to yourself and your family.  You will reach a level of academic success that very few will ever reach.

Most doctoral students complete their programs in five, six or seven years, even if it’s possible to complete it in an earlier time frame. The average cost of tuition for a doctoral degree in a private college in the U.S. is $20,000.00 per year, costing students $100,000.00  for a five year experience.  Add interest rates to this cost and students could be paying up to $500.00 per month on student loans for the rest of their lives.

In the first months of my program, a professor advised our class that two students had previously completed the same doctoral degree in only two years.  Once I knew that it had already been done, I made a decision to finish my program in two years.  I did it, and so can you!  My degree only cost me $40,000.00,  with interest of course, saving me tens of thousands of dollars.  It could have cost me $60,000.00 to $100,000.00, as was the case for the majority of my classmates who chose to take more time to finish.

Choosing to take longer than is necessary to finish a degree not only costs you in terms of money, it also prolongs the stress in your life. The easy part of the program is completing the course work. If you’re smart, you will follow the course schedule as is suggested by the college and complete the courses within the first two years or so.

Before You Begin the Doctoral Program: 

To ensure that your doctoral program will give you the highest returns, financially and career-wise, you may want to consider the following:

(i) Why do you want to pursue this rigor? Be clear about your motivation.  The program will be rigorous. You will experience burnout and be tempted to quit many many times. You will lose thousands of dollars if you start and don’t finish. It is important to your quality of life that you make a decision and stick to it to the very end. Otherwise, what’s the point?

(ii) Research the job market and future trends in the field of study that you are pursuing. You want to be sure that your hard work will pay high dividends at the end.

(iii) Determine the highest amount of student debt that you are able to afford. Then, research the salary you are expecting to bring in with this doctoral degree.  Will the salary provide you a lifestyle where you can pay off the student loans in a reasonable amount of time while still maintaining a lifestyle of a mortgage and living expenses?

The Main Stressors of the Dissertation:

The really stressful part, however, is completing the dissertation. Here’s what I learned as I pursued my degree:

(i)  By the time you finish your coursework, you will experience burnout. No matter how much you exercise, eat well, try to balance your life, lack of enthusiasm and optimism, my friend, is guaranteed! You probably have been juggling a full-time job and family life with your school commitment. Taking on a dissertation is not for the weak during the best of times, let alone after you’ve completed two years of heavy course work;

(ii)  Once you begin the dissertation, there are milestones along the way that you must attain.  Deadlines have a habit of sneaking up on you very quickly as you, which can be very stressful, to say the least! Once you get off track, you can lose momentum quickly so it’s imperative that you stay the course;  and

(iii) You will start to notice negativity and frustration amongst classmates who are equally feeling burnout. In fact, many of our classmates will begin to show signs of resignation.   It will be easy to quit. This is the time for you to stay strong and carry on, no matter what!

Secrets to Finishing the Doctoral Program Early

Having completed my doctorate in two years, I have learned the secrets to saving years of stress and tens of thousands of dollars!  My hope is that you will apply some of this advice and, in the process, save yourself a lot of heartache. . .

(i) Determine the shortest length of time it takes to finish your doctorate.  Simply ask your program advisor to give you statistics on fast-tracking from their experience with former students.

(ii) Decide to finish early.  Saving money and time is a mindset.  Get into the frame of mind to save tens of thousands of dollars and make a plan of action. Create a vision board, write  your goals with timelines, and look at it once a week to remind yourself of your promise to YOU.

(iii) Begin the dissertation as early as possible in your program. Your advisor will give you guidance and take his/her advice.  The earlier you begin, the earlier you will finish.  You will get momentum before the real burnout begins.

(iv) Determine the topic for your dissertation and stick to it.  Changing your mind will cost you precious time and energy.  Time is money.  There will only be three people interested in your dissertation (a) the person on the board who has the authority to accept your dissertation and give you the credentials; (b) the advisor who is working with you to get your dissertation passed by the board and (c) you.  You won’t change the world with our research. This is nothing but a process to get to the next level in your career.

(v) As you go through the process of writing the dissertation, follow your advisor’s lead to the most exact detail.  You will send your dissertation back and forth to your advisor for months on end as you revise your paper over and over again to perfection (according to you) each and every time that he/she makes suggestions with editing and specific requirements.  This is the time that many students get frustrated and quit.  However, this is the time for YOU to swallow your pride, remind yourself of why you enrolled in this program to begin with and follow his/her lead. Otherwise, you can’t win!

(vi) Commit to staying on track. Focus, remain disciplined and do not let any distractions (eg. trips, traditional celebrations, etc.) or negativity get in your way of finishing early.

(vii) Never, ever, ever quit!!! If you believe it can happen, it will!  I believed it! It happened for me.  It can happen for you too!

YOU know that you REALLY, REALLY want this.  Be bold and courageous, my friend.  I’m on your team and am rooting for you!

Compared To Others, You’re Extraordinary

Dr. Judy Osmond

Have you ever noticed that, in your own mind, you tend to think everyone else is more intelligent, better looking, wealthier, or happier than you are?  Why is that?   Is that not the saddest thing?  Here you are, living in the western world, with great education and health care, surrounded by people who adore you, and striving to become independently wealthy. Yet, we constantly compare ourselves to other people, thinking that “they” have it much better than you. This is an illusion that we must fight against with all our strength and fortitude.

The media has us believing that the world is a scary place, that everyone is out to get us and that we are low people because we don’t own a big business or aren’t making millions (or billions) of dollars.  We are surrounded by people who take prescription drugs just because they feel insecure and bad about their lot in life. Some of the most educated and beautiful people I know need medication just to go to work everyday. Is that not the craziest thing?

You are wealthier and more beautiful than you’ll ever know.  Practice the following.

(i) Begin each day in gratitude for our health, support system and love.

(ii) Look in the mirror and speak beautiful language to yourself.  Be kind, generous and your best friend.

(iii) Talk to someone today and help them solve a problem.  They’ll reciprocate and will help you one day.

(iv) Say a kind word to someone you meet today who looks a little sad.

(v) Keep the focus off your personal pity party and help someone else .

(vi) Spend your free time today looking at Youtube videos on how to reach your higher self.

(vii) Be proud of other people’s accomplishments.  They are no better, or worse, than you.  They have the same insecurities and issues you have.

Know that you are already terrific and have everything you need to do anything you want to do today.  You’re special.  Be your best self.  The world needs YOU just the way you are.






When Your Son Needs Help, Get It.

Dr. Judy Osmond

Does your son seem a little off lately?  is he exhibiting behaviors that are not normal for him? Does he sleep with his light on? Does he not want to sleep alone in his bed anymore? Does he seem more angry or agitated than normal?

When boys exhibit behaviors that are out of character for them, we need to pay attention. It could be signs of any number of things: bullying, hanging around with a fast crowd who do not have the same values as your son and your family, getting a bad grade in school, etc.)

First and foremost, know that your son needs

(i) your patience and understanding. He does not want to be angry or make you annoyed at him anymore than you already may be.

(ii) your support, sensitivity and professionalism.  He is most likely very embarrassed or humiliated and will not want you to contact the school.  He doesn’t want any more negative attention drawn to him or have bullies and classmates retaliate. Hear him out, contact the school in a sensitive and professional.

(iii) the support of the school.  He needs to know that the school is a safe environment.  Contacting a school professional (counsellor, teacher or vice principal) to help guide him will assure him that he has a safe place to go for protection and understanding.

Here are some ways to deal with it:

(i) Have your son talk with a school counsellor or trusted teacher.  You may instigate a meeting by notifying the school professional and have them talk with him.

(ii) If you see signs of anxiety (nervousness, panic, fear) or depression (can’t get out of bed) that continues for at least two weeks, bring him to a professional counsellor who can help him. Time is of the essence.

Please get this resolved in a timely manner.  You want your child back to his normal vivacious self as soon as possible so that (i) he can concentrate on his studies and extracurricular activities and (ii) build resilience so that he will learn what to do next time it happens.


From Bullied to Thriving

Dr. Judy Osmond

Nothing worries a parent more than to have a child come home from school after being bullied. The emotions can range anywhere from your child feeling sad, humiliated and embarrassed to showing signs of anxiety and depression. And nothing angers a parent more than to hear that the teacher had made fun of their child in front of the class, making the situation worse for their child.

As a Guidance Counsellor, I have spoken with many parents over the years who have shared with me stories of their children getting bullied at school and having to spend days, months or even years dealing with their child’s anxiety and depression that inevitably follows. One “small” event can be life changing – for both the child and and the entire family.

I have seen it all. I have been involved in situations where families pay the price of torture and sadness for years by using ineffective ways of dealing with the situation AND in situations where families deal with it in a way that brings positive transformation to their child.

The goal is to have a happy child again. Here are some ways to effectively deal with the situation:

(i) Gather the facts.  Find out from your child exactly when, where, who, what and why the situation occurred.

(ii) Remain calm.  Reassure your child that you love him/her and will do everything possible to make him/her safe.

(iii) Arrange to meet with the teacher, Guidance Counsellor or Dean of Students.  The teacher and/or school counsellor should have contacted you before the child came home to prepare you for your child’s emotions. If not, contact the child’s guidance counsellor first thing in the morning and arrange a time to have a one-on-one meeting with you and the child. If there are confidential things that need to be discussed, have your child wait outside the office until you’ve finished speaking with the guidance counsellor.

Administration may require that the bullies stay a certain physical distance from your child while on school property. Your child may feel even more embarrassed about this but sometimes the only way to calm things down and strive for peace is for all people involved to have space.

(iv) Determine strategies for your child’s success. With the input of school administration, (a) be clear about your expectations (i.e. What do you want and expect them to do? Contact the parents of the alleged bullies? Discipline the alleged bullies?) and (b) determine the actions that school administration is willing (or not willing) to take.

(v) Surround your child with a supportive team.  Contact a tutor, life coach, counsellor who can meet with your child and you to determine strategies for success (i.e. help your child develop a mindset and strategy that can help him/her move forward).

(vi) Help your child focus on the positive.  Have your child create a vision board listing goals and dreams for the day, week, month or year to hang on his/her wall, refrigerator, etc.; encourage your child to read books and watch Youtube videos on successful people and positive strategies for success.

(vii) Help your child develop a growth mindset rather than a fixed mindset.  Practice positive language at home and an attitude of “if-it’s-going-to-be-it’s-up-to-me.

(viii) Encourage your child to stay physically active (eg. martial arts is terrific). This will help him/her gain physical strength which will help with emotional strength building.

(ix) If your child is experiencing anxiety and depression consistently for at least two weeks, seek professional help for your child and you (parents/sibblings).  Your child needs help – if only for the short term.  Don’t let this event become a bigger monster than it already is.

With the right support team and mindset, your child will learn from this and grow into a terrific human being who can help others. Your child will thrive more quickly with a supportive and effective professional team.  I know. I’ve experienced miracles with children and families who have made the transformation to greatness in spite of the obstacles. You can too!


Vision Boards Improve Male Student Achievement


Michael Reist, author of “Boys and Girls Learn Differently”, proposes that boys (i) have lower aspirations than girls in grade 8 and 12, (ii) receive approximately 70% of D’s and F’s and (iii) use action to express emotions.

As a student success counsellor who has counseled thousands of boys, I have experienced the self empowerment, confidence and pride that male students gain by simply using the vision board to attain their dreams and goals. I have seen students who entered grade nine with C’s and D’s, focus and persist with the use of a vision board in high school and get accepted into highly competitive colleges and universities.

Jack Canfield, author of “Chicken Soup for the Soul” used this technique to map out how he would become a wealthy to support his family. He made it happen. While he was poor, Jim Carry, a world renown and sought after actor, made out a check for himself for a million dollars, put it in his wallet and looked at it every day. He determined a deadline for his accomplishment, persisted, did what was required of him to attain millionaire status in Hollywood, and made his dream come true within the deadline he had set for himself. You, too, can achievement anything you want.

Below are habits that you can begin right now to attain your goals.

The Benefits of Using a Vision Board:

(i) It’s all about YOU!

(ii) It will bring you optimism and hope for your future immediately.

(iii) You will create trust with your parents immediately by showing them that you have a plan to get a return on their investment (i.e. your job in school is to learn how to be the best student and person you are capable of so you learn to become independently wealthy).

(iv) Sessions with your guidance counsellor at school will become more focused and purposeful, keeping you on track with your academic focus.

(v) Your grades will improve immediately.

Work on Your Mindset & Make the Decision to Get A’s and B+’s:

(i) Ask yourself, “what kind of a student do I really want to be ?” Visualize your best student self and list the qualities on paper.

(ii) Ask yourself, “Why do I want this?”. The “why” has to be so great that it will keep you going when you feel defeated and want to quit. The reasons should both challenge and excite you. List these on paper.

(iii) Ask yourself, “How badly do I want this?”. You need to be willing to sacrifice family parties, family dinners, social life, March breaks, summers, etc.

(iv) The best revenge is doing well.  If you have strained relationships with your family, keep being true to yourself and strive to break generational curses.  Strive to be reach your best student self and bring honour to your family.

Create Your Vision Board:

(i) Purchase a bulletin board or get a piece of 8×11 paper. Or use your bedroom wall.

(ii) It can be as male oriented as you want (e.g. a golfer can create a vision board that emulates a golf course, using green paper (for grass), flags for deadlines, words for goals).

(iii) Put on your vision board magazine pictures that emulate the dreams you’re aspiring to attain (eg. a photo of an athlete receiving medal, first choice college, car you want to own, etc.).

(iv) Display your vision board in a place where you can look at it everyday to remind yourself of your goals (e.g.. in your bedroom, wallet (if it’s on paper),

Implement Your Strategy for Achievement:

(i) Look at your vision board every day to keep you from getting distracted.

(ii) Involve your guidance counsellors, teacher advisors, parents and siblings.  They’re rooting for your success and will help you stay on track.Check in with your guidance counsellor or teacher advisor every month to make sure you’re on track.

(iii) If you have setbacks, keep going.  Seek out teachers to reteach concepts you don’t understand, tutors and/or peer tutors for support and teaching content; and counsellors for support and guidance.

(iv) Reward yourself for staying on track (e.g. watch a favorite video, go to a party, etc.)

(v) Most importantly, feel proud of yourself that you are doing the honorable thing by being your best student self. Know that great rewards are still to come.

To reach your highest student self google thejayoasis blog and follow the steps outlined on the article, “How to Become an A and B+ student”.





Students: How to Access College Scholarships

Dr. Judy Osmond

College scholarships are easily available to students and are a great financial asset to anyone who is willing to pursue them.  Unfortunately, while students may find opportunities online or through their guidance counselling offices at school, many diligent students will not actually apply because of their fear and perceived inability to writing essays.

I know, from professional experience, that approaching the essay in an organized way will yield great results. As a student success coach, I have helped students earn thousands of dollars from scholarships and watched students attain highly competitive scholarships with great odds stacked against them. Here’s a way to succeed:


(i) Ask yourself, “How much scholarship money do I want?” Visualize your best student self and write your response on paper.

(ii) Ask yourself, “Why do I want this?”. The reason has to be so great that it will keep you going when you feel defeated and want to quit. The reasons should both challenge and excite you. List these on paper.

(iii) Ask yourself, “How badly do I want this?”. You need to be willing to sacrifice family parties, family dinners, social life, March breaks, summers, etc.

(iv) Write your goals on a vision board and remind yourself every day of your goals.

Your Mindset:

(i)  Practice patience. Know that this is a process that will take lots of time.It will take several drafts to get the essays right.

(ii) Practice optimism. Know that all successful people have doubts and insecurities but continue their path in spite of their own emotions. Listen to your heart and make it happen.

(iii) Practice persistence, focus and discipline. The combination of these three elements will lead to great success.  Be bold and courageous, my friend!


(A) 11th grade (junior year) in high school:

(i) Research colleges and prioritize a list of your top five colleges of choice.

(ii) Get organized.  Create a folder for each college you are applying to so that you may file scholarship applications, pamphlets, etc. for easy access. Make note of timelines.

(iii) Attend college sessions offered at your school and in your community.

(iv) Target your first and second choice schools and listen to university advisors about how to access scholarships in specific schools.

(iv) Begin creating your support team of counsellors and English teachers who will coach you through and help you edit your essay.

(B) Summer Going into Senior Year (12th Grade):

(i) Research books and watch YouTube videos to learn how others were successful in earning scholarship money.

(ii) Write one essay and one scholarship at a time.  Make note of timeline for each of them.

(iii) Seek the help of counsellors and teachers to help edit your work and offer suggestions for improvement.  They really want to help you succeed.

(iv) Repeat the steps above until all essays are completed.

 (C) 12th Grade (senior year) in high school:

(i) Three (3) weeks into the school year,  access counsellors and teachers  (when they have a little more time to help you) to help you complete any essays/scholarship applications.

(ii) Submit scholarship applications at least one week before deadline to allow for technical difficulties, emergencies, etc.

(iii) Continue being your highest best student self and finish the year strong.

Tips on Writing Essays:

(i) Research books and watch YouTube videos the topic of “how to write award winning essays”.

(ii) Follow directions.  Do exactly what the essay requires (e.g.. write  only 450 words or less if it asks for 450 words or less; double space if it asks for double space, etc.).

(iii) Read, read, read the topic and begin writing down at least three points you want to get across in the essay.  Ask yourself, “what impression do I want to leave the essay reader with”, and “what is it that I really want to say?”.

(iv) Seek the advice of your high school counsellor and/or English teacher.  Ask them if your outline is in line with the topic.

(vi) Begin your first draft.

(v) Continue writing, editing, reviewing, reading and repeat. When you’re ready, seek help and support from your counsellor and/or English teacher.

(vi) Keep going until you and your counsellor/English teacher have given you the  green light of approval.





From C’s and D’s to A’s and B+’s

Dr. Judy Osmond

Students who consistently earn A’s and B+’s in high school are often misunderstood. It’s easy for students who do not attain such high grades to think that getting good grades is a mystery, a stroke of sheer luck or a result of being born a genius.

As a Student Success Counsellor I have observed thousands of students, over the course of my career, who wanted to get into some of the most competitive schools in the world.  I have been part of many “miracles” in middle and high school where, through goal setting and vision  boards, I have experienced the accomplishments of students who have come to realize their college and career dreams.

Achieving high grades is an art that needs practice, repetition, and discipline. Having been a poor student, a mediocre student and an excellent student, I know that it is possible to be the top of your class, no matter the obstacles in your life. The habits are simple. If you really want to attain the grades to get into a top competitive  school, practice the following habits:

Work on Your Mindset & Make the Decision to get A’s and B+’s:

(i) Ask yourself, “what kind of a student do I really want to be ?” Visualize your best student self and list the qualities on paper.

(ii) Ask yourself, “Why do I want this?”. The reason has to be so great that it will keep you going when you feel defeated and want to quit. The reasons should both challenge and excite you. List these on paper.

(iii) Ask yourself, “How badly do I want this?”. You need to be willing to sacrifice family parties, family dinners, social life, March breaks, summers, etc.

(iv) Write your goals on a vision board and remind yourself every day of your goals.

Show Your Best Self in Class:

(i) Impress your teacher at the beginning of each semester by getting your work in on time, taking notes, contributing to class discussions, making appropriate comments, etc.

(ii) Choose to sit in class near students who are focused and will help keep you on track.

(iii) Ask your teachers what you need to do to get an A in their class, listen to their suggestions and and practice doing what they require.

(iv) Have a great attitude towards teachers and administrators.  Think that they only want you to succeed and that they want to help you.

Seek Help from Teachers, Tutors & Peers

(i) Get a support team behind you whom you can call on to help with homework and motivation.  Students who achieve great results in school have tutors and students that help them through their challenges and failures.

(ii) Be brave and take notice of your mistakes and weaknesses. Relearn material, if that’s what it takes to get better results in the future and seek the help of your teacher and/or tutor.

(iii) Observe the “A” students in your classes, watch their study habits (e.g.. how they take notes, how they focus, whom they sit with, etc.) and begin role modeling their academic behavior.

Become Efficient When You Do Homework

(i)  Ask the “A” students how they get through homework and model after them.

(ii) Meet with teachers during lunch or after school to clarify any questions you may need answered for homework or test purposes.

(iii) Find “hidden” time during school hours to do homework, such as during lunch, in study halls, time during class.

Choose Your Friends Wisely

(i)  Surround yourself with peers who have the same academic goals as you and will support you.

(ii) Choose to do homework with students who are better students than you so you can learn from them.

(iii) Find peers who make you feel great about your accomplishments.

(iv) Find people who are ethical and have integrity.  They will influence you to make wise choices, work hard and strive for excellence.

Whether you actually attain your goal and get accepted into a competitive school or not, one thing is for sure.  When you know that you’ve done your personal best to attain a goal you will experience more pride and confidence than you can dream. Accomplishing personal goals on your own terms is not only satisfying but it will bring out the very best character in you.  This, my friend, will lead you to greatness in both your personal and career life.  You know you’re destined to be great. Now show yourself what you are really willing to do to make it happen!

Reinvention: How to Become an Interesting Person

Dr. Judy Osmond

Don’t you just love being around people who are interesting? There’s just something about the their company that leaves us feeling more positive, energetic, optimistic and hopeful. We feel great about ourselves, the world and the life we live.

Those of us who live a conscious life and actively seek to make ourselves interesting reap the benefits of having terrific and unique experiences, memories and stories that make for great conversations, and attracting more job opportunities, customers and wealth to our lives.

Wouldn’t you love to have people make comments about how you made them feel better about themselves or encouraged them to make positive changes in their lives or be a better person? What a great legacy to live and leave behind!

After years of being in the company of people who live interesting and fulfilling lives, I have observed and learned that we possess certain qualities and mindset that includes  

(i)  being conscious about living an interesting and fulfilling life.

(ii) being curious about life and all its adventures.

(iii) believing that we can create our own world.

(iv) having a desire to adore our life.

(v) having a desire to experience life fully in the moment.

(vi) having a desire to reach our higher self.

(vii) being the CEO of our own lives, presenting ourselves as an asset to conversations.

The habits of interesting people include

(i) being decisive about what we want.

(ii) taking the chance of putting ourselves out there in spite of fear.

(iii) opening ourselves up to getting to know people with the same interest.

(iv) striving to bring out the best in everyone else in every situation.

(v) making others feel comfortable and at ease in our company.

(vi) listening to and respecting what others have to say in the conversation.

(vii) saying “yes” to interesting opportunities present themselves to us.

The art of becoming more interesting is, in and of itself, an acquired skill.  Begin this moment to make it a practice to do something today that will make the day more interesting and memorable.  Adore your life. You only live once and, if you live it right, once is enough!