Habits of a Millionaire Student

Most of us dream of reaching millionaire status sometime in our lives.  However, most of us do not realize that our habits and discipline as a student will serve us well as we climb to heights of financial freedom.

Whether you are an eighth grader, high schooler, university or college student, you can begin to develop habits that will cultivate optimal success so that when you begin your career, you will have primed your mindset for optimal wealth building as well.


(i) Develop a FOUR YEAR PLAN for high school or university, noting the prerequisites and grades you need to pursue future courses. This habit will keep you on track and incentivize you to do well.

(ii) Adhere to DEADLINES for drop and add processes at your school. Students who do not discipline themselves in this area will find it difficult to follow deadlines in universities and in business which can potentially cost them tens of thousands of dollars in the end.

(iii) DECIDE that you will get A’s and B+’s this year.  Study, study, study, do repetitive problems in math, and learn to write.  Think about how you will navigate your studies so that you build your transcript.  Your grades will enable you to have options for your choice of post-secondary schools.

(iv) READ, READ, READ.  It doesn’t matter the level of reading you do.  If you don’t like reading, begin to get into the habit of reading books with large print, beautiful pictures, your favorite hobby or pastime.  It doesn’t matter what you read.  Just do it. Get into the practice of reading fifteen minutes per day .  This will increase your vocabulary and writing ability – a skill that will get you to future leadership positions and, ultimately, higher earning  power.

(v) Think of grades as money.  Every time  you earn an “A”, think of it as putting $1000.00 in your pocket – which will be the case if you earn scholarships and/or co-op internships from your high grades.

This year, as you prepare for another school year, make it a point to become an amazing student.   Make this year the most extraordinary yet!  Enjoy the ride and mostly, enjoy building a road to wealth. I can help you become the successful student you’ve always dreamed of being. Let me help you take the next step to your personal wealth. . .

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