Vision Boards Improve Male Student Achievement


Michael Reist, author of “Boys and Girls Learn Differently”, proposes that boys (i) have lower aspirations than girls in grade 8 and 12, (ii) receive approximately 70% of D’s and F’s and (iii) use action to express emotions.

As a student success counsellor who has counseled thousands of boys, I have experienced the self empowerment, confidence and pride that male students gain by simply using the vision board to attain their dreams and goals. I have seen students who entered grade nine with C’s and D’s, focus and persist with the use of a vision board in high school and get accepted into highly competitive colleges and universities.

Jack Canfield, author of “Chicken Soup for the Soul” used this technique to map out how he would become a wealthy to support his family. He made it happen. While he was poor, Jim Carry, a world renown and sought after actor, made out a check for himself for a million dollars, put it in his wallet and looked at it every day. He determined a deadline for his accomplishment, persisted, did what was required of him to attain millionaire status in Hollywood, and made his dream come true within the deadline he had set for himself. You, too, can achievement anything you want.

Below are habits that you can begin right now to attain your goals.

The Benefits of Using a Vision Board:

(i) It’s all about YOU!

(ii) It will bring you optimism and hope for your future immediately.

(iii) You will create trust with your parents immediately by showing them that you have a plan to get a return on their investment (i.e. your job in school is to learn how to be the best student and person you are capable of so you learn to become independently wealthy).

(iv) Sessions with your guidance counsellor at school will become more focused and purposeful, keeping you on track with your academic focus.

(v) Your grades will improve immediately.

Work on Your Mindset & Make the Decision to Get A’s and B+’s:

(i) Ask yourself, “what kind of a student do I really want to be ?” Visualize your best student self and list the qualities on paper.

(ii) Ask yourself, “Why do I want this?”. The “why” has to be so great that it will keep you going when you feel defeated and want to quit. The reasons should both challenge and excite you. List these on paper.

(iii) Ask yourself, “How badly do I want this?”. You need to be willing to sacrifice family parties, family dinners, social life, March breaks, summers, etc.

(iv) The best revenge is doing well.  If you have strained relationships with your family, keep being true to yourself and strive to break generational curses.  Strive to be reach your best student self and bring honour to your family.

Create Your Vision Board:

(i) Purchase a bulletin board or get a piece of 8×11 paper. Or use your bedroom wall.

(ii) It can be as male oriented as you want (e.g. a golfer can create a vision board that emulates a golf course, using green paper (for grass), flags for deadlines, words for goals).

(iii) Put on your vision board magazine pictures that emulate the dreams you’re aspiring to attain (eg. a photo of an athlete receiving medal, first choice college, car you want to own, etc.).

(iv) Display your vision board in a place where you can look at it everyday to remind yourself of your goals (e.g.. in your bedroom, wallet (if it’s on paper),

Implement Your Strategy for Achievement:

(i) Look at your vision board every day to keep you from getting distracted.

(ii) Involve your guidance counsellors, teacher advisors, parents and siblings.  They’re rooting for your success and will help you stay on track.Check in with your guidance counsellor or teacher advisor every month to make sure you’re on track.

(iii) If you have setbacks, keep going.  Seek out teachers to reteach concepts you don’t understand, tutors and/or peer tutors for support and teaching content; and counsellors for support and guidance.

(iv) Reward yourself for staying on track (e.g. watch a favorite video, go to a party, etc.)

(v) Most importantly, feel proud of yourself that you are doing the honorable thing by being your best student self. Know that great rewards are still to come.

To reach your highest student self google thejayoasis blog and follow the steps outlined on the article, “How to Become an A and B+ student”.





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